It's been nearly two months since I left Chad and the time has come for me to head off on my travels again. On Wednesday of this week I leave for Tanzania, initially just for 3 weeks but with the possibility of returning for a longer period of time later in the year.
I had several possible assignments to choose from but this one appealed to me the most. I was approached by a former MAF pilot, who is now working for a German organisation (Wort und Tat or Word and Deed), who support a number of community-based projects in different parts of the world. One of these projects is in the Tunduru District in southern Tanzania, where they run a health clinic and a secondary school and work to improve agriculture and increase access to safe drinking water for the local community. You can read more about their work here.
I have been asked to help with the financial aspects of this project: to work with the local staff in building a budget and ensuring their systems for recording income and expenditure are robust. Although I am not an accountant I have been involved in managing and overseeing finances in a number of my previous assignments in Africa. I hope this is sufficient experience to be able to make a positive impact...
I am looking forward to returning to Tanzania (I worked there for about 3 months in 2009) and to being a bit more involved at the 'grass-roots' level of a community development project. Despite being in a fairly remote part of Africa I am told that there is access to the internet. I hope it will be good enough to enable me to update this blog over the course of the next few weeks, so watch this space!
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