Saturday, 3 August 2013

10 things I did this week

When people ask me what I do and I say I am the Programme Manager some look at me rather blankly as if they have no idea what that entails. I sometimes add the explanation that ‘if something needs doing that doesn't involve fixing or flying an airplane then I will probably get involved in it at some point’.

So this week, among other things, I:

1.  Organised for the septic tank at the office to be emptied and for the broken manhole cover to be repaired (meaning we only have to experience the disgusting smell when it is being emptied and not every time we walk past it…)

2.  Started work on the 2014 budgets by doing some analysis of our year-to-date expenditure

3.  Discussed with the night guard the best way to disinfect the guard dog’s kennel following a visit by the vet to treat the dog for tics

4.   Had a long conversation with a member of staff about their poor time-keeping

5.   Agreed that the plumber should replace the leaking tap and shower in the guard’s hut

6. Checked all the transactions that made up July’s financial activities in preparation for sending the information to our head office in the UK early next week

7.  Worked with one of the pilots and the engineer on the initial plans for flying one of our planes to Kenya for essential maintenance that we can’t do here

8.   Went to the offices of the Civil Aviation Authority to have my photograph taken for an airport pass. The man with the camera was in a meeting so I will have to try again next week…

9.  Tried to figure out if the daily server backups are working as they should (they are!)

10. Received cargo from customers for flights taking place today and early next week

No-one could ever say that my work lacks variety…

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