Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Back to Chad

It is just over a year since I first went to Chad and this coming Sunday (26th May) I am returning there again. I have been back in the UK since the end of November waiting for, undergoing and recovering from some surgery. The waiting was a bit frustrating but the surgery went well and although the recovery seemed long and slow I am now feeling well enough to return to Africa.

I shall be taking up the role I was doing last year – that of Interim Programme Manager for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in Chad. Finding a long-term manager for the programme has proved harder than was originally anticipated so there is still a gap that needs to be filled and I have agreed to cover the job until just before Christmas.

It is an unusual situation for me to be going back to a place I have been before and it is nice to think that I already know most of my team mates (although there have been some new staff whilst I was away), can picture where I will be living, have already experienced the sweltering heat and can find my way around the city. However, it also means that I know about all the things you can’t get in N’Djamena and consequently I seem to have gathered a lot of ‘stuff’ to take with me. I’m anticipating that when I pack on Saturday I will have to make some decisions about what is really important…

Where I'll be

I'm also hoping to return to more regular blogging so watch this space...

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