Friday, 31 August 2012

Shopping - Part 2

The shops visited in the shopping expeditions of the previous blog do not sell fresh fruit or vegetables. To buy those requires additional stops (and therefore additional encounters with the street-sellers) at fruit and vegetable stalls that are set up on the side of the road.

There is a row of about ten such stalls opposite one of the 'supermarkets' so although it is reasonably convenient it is also an on-going dilemma as to which stall to patronise. They all seem to sell the same selection of fruit and vegetables and all are equally friendly as they try to gain your custom. I usually go to the stall I first went to (because I happened to park right in front of it) in the hope that my loyalty as a customer will be rewarded with good prices.

However, the preferred way of shopping for fruit and vegetables is to have the stall come to you...

This is Nana, who comes to the MAF compound every Monday and Thursday morning. He comes on his bicycle carrying all his wares in a large wooden crate strapped on the back and spreads out his stall on a plastic sheet on the ground. He has been coming faithfully every week for many years and always has a good selection to choose from.

As I am usually at the office when he comes I leave a list and some money with Odile, my house help, (who conveniently also comes every Monday and Thursday) so when I get home from work I find delicious and fresh fruit and vegetables in my fridge. Now that's the kind of shopping I prefer...

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