Thursday, 12 July 2012

10 ways my life is different in Africa

Living and working in a country that is not your own inevitably means a change in lifestyle.
On a day-to-day basis (and in no particular order) for me these changes include:
  1. I put more salt on my food - it means I don't wake up in the middle of the night with cramp
  2. I eat less meat (see previous blog)
  3. I rarely drink alcohol
  4. I drink more 'sodas' (Coke, 7 Up, Fanta, etc)
  5. I go to bed earlier
  6. I get up earlier (not always by choice!)
  7. My driving style changes
  8. I don't watch TV (although I do bring and borrow DVDs)
  9. I wash up in cold water
  10. I shower in cold water
I could go on but as the title of this blog was '10 ways...' I won't!

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