When I arrived in Chad I decided to employ a house-help. It is common practice amongst ex-pats all over Africa to do this and although part of me struggles with the concept (I've read The Help...) it is a mutually beneficial arrangement - I get my house cleaned and someone gets an income they might otherwise not have.
When I first met Odile we talked through the different things she was to do and she asked about washing the curtains (something I never do at home!). She suggested washing them every two weeks and, not wanting to dampen her enthusiasm for her new job, I replied that every two months would be enough. Even that seemed a lot to me, although everything does get very dusty during the dry season.
Odile has been working for me now for 2 months and so today when I returned from the office I found every cushion cover and curtain in the house (including the shower curtain and my mosquito net) had been washed. Unfortunately it poured with rain today so while the aforementioned soft-furnishings are clean they are definitely not dry. Odile told me she would iron everything the next time she is here but as she only works two mornings a week that won't be until Thursday.
I decided I can live without curtains in the living room for a few days but that, as I am on the ground floor, I definitely need curtains and a mosquito net in my bedroom So I have hung them up whilst they are still wet - it's as good a washing line as anywhere else - and I hope Odile won't be too upset that I have not waited for her to iron them.
I hadn't really thought about that first conversation with Odile until today but she had obviously remembered it and was determined to follow the instructions I had given her. I am now wondering what else I might have said - I guess I will find out in time...