Sunday, 3 June 2012

My new 'home'

This week, after 2 weeks of staying in a guest room on the MAF compound in N'Djamena, I moved to the house that will be my 'home' for my time here. The previous occupant had left the day before I arrived and before I could move in it was necessary to treat the infestation of termites that had eaten away at the wooden window frames of two of the rooms. I'm not about to worry about a couple of week's delay if it means I can live in a termite-free house!

Moving day coincided with the first heavy rain of the season and so moving things the short distance across the compound also involved avoiding the puddles and trying not to get too much mud indoors.
Here are some pictures of my new home.

The outside of my house - I live on the ground floor
and another family live on the top floor

The living room with the all-important
ceiling fan and air-conditioning unit

The kitchen - note the purple rubbish bucket,
which for reasons best known to the manufacturer
has 'I love football' embossed on the lid...

The shower, including the obligatory
African concrete grouting
The view across the compound from my front door

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