The Easter holiday in the Philippines runs from Thursday to Sunday and, due to the country's Roman Catholic heritage, it is probably the most important holiday of the year for many people. It is a time to spend with the family and to participate in the various church services that take place over the four days.
For me and my colleague Esther it was an opportunity to take a break away from work and to explore another part of Leyte Island. The office and the team house where we live are just 200 metres apart at opposite ends of the same street and so it is not uncommon for the majority of our time from Monday to Friday to be split between these two locations. I may be living on the other side of the world but the demands of work often mean I only see a very small part of that world.
We booked a three-night stay at a diving resort in Southern Leyte near the town of Padre Burgos. We had no intention of going diving but as this area is known for its diving sites most of the resorts are aimed at divers. On Thursday morning we left Dulag and drove south and within a relatively short distance you could see the landscape changing. Dulag and the area to the north towards the city of Tacloban were right in the path of Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) and the devastation caused by the typhoon and the accompanying storm surge is evident all around you. In the collapsed buildings, the missing roofs, the on-going construction, the blown down trees, the coconut palms missing their tops: everywhere you look you are reminded of that event. But further south is a different picture. It is less built up, less industrialised, which also makes a difference but I was struck by how many more coconut palms there were, how much greener, how much less 'broken' everywhere looked.
We had been invited to call in at the home of one of our suppliers on the way and so after an hour of travelling over the mountains that run down the middle of the island we arrived at her home on the west coast. The Philippine people are very hospitable and very generous and breakfast had been prepared for us and what a breakfast it turned out to be: fish, shrimps, mashed potato, salad, bread, watermelon, coffee. If we had not stopped eating I think she would have just kept on bringing out more food!
As we left we were presented with two cake boxes "for the journey". Her daughter is a baker and had prepared us blueberry cheesecake and some kind of mango desert. We accepted them with great thanks for her generosity although we were both wondering what on earth we were going to do with them*
Then it was back on the road for a further two hours drive to reach our destination. And what a destination! It was like being in a different world. Beautiful clear blue sea, the coral beach, the only sounds were the waves on the shore and the breeze blowing through the trees. This was a great place to get away to! On Friday we went out on a boat with the divers. We sailed across Sogod Bay and while some people went diving I went snorkeling. It was stunning. The corals were just so alive - vibrant in colour and teeming with so many fish of all shapes, sizes and colours.
Most of the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing by the sea, reading, sleeping and enjoying the view.
As we were on the west coast the sunsets were spectacular.
And on Saturday evening there was a partial lunar eclipse.
It was a weekend of rest, relaxation and awe-inspiring beauty - the perfect Easter getaway!
* We gave the cakes to the manager of the resort and asked him to share them with the staff - I hope he did!